I simply can’t believe we are wrapping up the third season of Celadon Hill! Since 2019, we’ve grown in production space and quantity, generating up to 500 stems of annuals and perennials a week during the busy months on nearly a half acre!

December was all about making sure the beds were covered with leaves or fabric to protect from winter cold and creatures! This month was also busy with Paperwhite Growing Kits!

We also harvested evergreens for Christmas in a Jar. It’s the perfect way to bring the beauty of the season indoors!

The final task of the season was to plant Ranunculus. First soaked then planted in prepared beds. These beauties don’t mind the cold and will bloom in early spring.

The absolute highlight of this month was a long awaited planned trip to Hawaii with my husband. We were able to get away and celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary a few months early. It was simply amazing. I loved the plumeria trees filled with the flower used for leis.

Lava rock is used in all landscaping and is everywhere. This makes sense, but the visual contrast of the black rock is stunning!

The most amazing tree is the Eucalyptus Tree, with rainbow colored bark! Latin name Eucalyptus deglupta

Thank you for following Celadon Hill in 2021! Look for Amaryllis Growing Kits and Tulip Subscriptions in the new year!
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