Hot Days

July has been one hot month with hardly any rain. Thankfully as I write this, we’ve gotten a few days of normal temperatures and some rain. The picture above was taken at 6:21am, the coolest part of the day. The last big harvest of hardy annuals at the end of June: snapdragons, statice and mountain mint. The start of warm annuals pictured above, all heat lovers! The flowers have been holding up with drip irrigation and sprinklers to cool them off during the 100 degree days. Thankfully I have two industrial refrigerators to hold them at a cool 40 degrees. My last big seeding is in mid July for late summer/ early fall flowers. It’s not too late to sow seeds, most take about 75-90 days to bloom. I plan is to have flowers till frost. Fresh cut flowers need a bit of care to make them last longer. Here…

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Time to Plant

In May, it’s planting season for cosmos and zinnia seedlings, with nighttime temperatures consistently above 55°F. Beds are prepped using tarps and organic fertilizers in a no-till process. Peony season brings vibrant blooms, and various events and markets are announced for the community to enjoy flowers and activities.

March On

Finally after three months with no eggs, we got one! March brings longer days, about twelve hours of daylight. More daylight means egg production has resumed. Soon we will be…

Winter Prep

Piles of fallen leaves are placed on the dahlia beds to keep them protected from the winter cold. On top of the leaves, I place a large plastic tarp on…


The giant asters started to bloom in September and continued into October. I love this photo snapped by one of my Book Club friends. This variety was gifted to me…