Brief Relief
August brought a brief relief to the heat and drought of July. Over the course of a 10 days, the flower field went from brown and dry and green and…
Baldwin, Maryland
August brought a brief relief to the heat and drought of July. Over the course of a 10 days, the flower field went from brown and dry and green and…
July has been one hot month with hardly any rain. Thankfully as I write this, we’ve gotten a few days of normal temperatures and some rain. The picture above was…
June is the month for flowers. Everything planted in the fall and early spring is starting to bloom. Snapdragons and Rudbeckia. Scabiosa was transplanted last fall. The cool weather helps…
In May, it’s planting season for cosmos and zinnia seedlings, with nighttime temperatures consistently above 55°F. Beds are prepped using tarps and organic fertilizers in a no-till process. Peony season brings vibrant blooms, and various events and markets are announced for the community to enjoy flowers and activities.
April began with the Eclipse in Cleveland. My official second “Totality” was amazing. My brother and sister-in-law live in Cleveland and welcomed us with a party and day of activities…
Finally after three months with no eggs, we got one! March brings longer days, about twelve hours of daylight. More daylight means egg production has resumed. Soon we will be…
Rooting willow
After 716 days without, Central Maryland received snow, reviving cozy activities like baking, sledding at Celadon Hill, and attending new classes, alongside promoting upcoming flower subscriptions.
One of my favorite podcasts suggests choosing a one word theme to enjoy the season. Two words (I’m a rebel) for this year would be Merry & Bright. We’ve had…
Piles of fallen leaves are placed on the dahlia beds to keep them protected from the winter cold. On top of the leaves, I place a large plastic tarp on…