We are gearing up for end of season here on Celadon Hill! Wow, what a great summer, so very grateful for overall good weather, collaborative relationships, not too many big mishaps and lots of learning opportunities. I want to specifically thank Washday Floral and Rousedale Farm Market, for committing to working with local growers and being our first wholesale customers.

As we wait for first frost, expected at the end of October here in Zone 7, we’re gearing up for next spring by preparing beds for hardy annual flowers.

Some flowers actually thrive in cool weather, as described in The Gardener’s Workshop-Lisa Mason Ziegler’s Cool Flowers book. This book is a wonderful resource and is highly recommended for thinking outside the box when planting for spring.

To aid the baby plants in developing a strong root system prior to winter, row covers help deter animals and bugs and create a more stable weather environment. Also known as “season extenders”, row covers can be used to add a few more weeks to existing plants before frost hits.

In addition to planting hardy annuals, we are trying our first cover crop! As described on the University of Maryland Extension website, cover crops, “lessen soil erosion during the winter, add organic material when turned under in the spring, improve soil quality, and add valuable nutrients.” Other cover crops include barley, rye, oats, winter wheat and peas.

The most rewarding flower of the fall is without a doubt, DAHLIAS! This is my first time growing this lovely flower and I’ve been blown away by all the different variations, strong stems and bright colors! They provided first blooms in August but after an extremely hot, dry September the blooms paused and now in October, they’re back with a flourish!

Thanks again for all the love and for following along. As we move into November, we’ll be working on more preparations for spring and winter gift ideas! Stay tuned! Thank you for supporting locally grown goodness.
Great to hear about the practices that will benefit the beautiful flowers next season; cover crops – awesome. I look forward to picking up flowers at Rousedale Farm Market.
Thank you!!
Beth Ann -you did it! Your first season under your belt. I’m so proud of you for your vision and DOING it. Can’t wait to see what is next on Celadon Hill.
Thank you for reading and following along!! Awesome support from the community for local farms, can’t wait till next season!