Two Weeks Early

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Peony Harvest

Flower growers in our area are talking about the early harvest of peony. Typically, peony are a mid to late May bloom, missing the biggest flower day of the year, Mother’s Day, by just a few weeks. This year, it’s been a perfect storm of late season ranunculus, early peony and the first spring flowers of orlaya, dianthus, allium, and phacelia all blooming. What a harvest!

May 12th Harvest

The field is full of so many more cool season annuals yet to bloom. There are snapdragons, more dianthus and campanula ready any day now. I’m loving the new construction mesh grid for netting purposes. It’s reusable, sturdy and very difficult to cut through. I am slowly phasing out all plastic hortonova netting, I truly despise it.

Snapdragons Ready To Bloom

I’m very pleased with the over-wintered dahlia patch. Looks to be about 90% made it through the winter. The tarp is for a dahlia bed expansion, soon to be removed, topped with compost and planted with newly purchased tubers. I learned about this process via the No Till Flowers Podcast and Jennie Love’s Blog.

Overwintered Dahlias Poking Through Leaf Bed

I cut this bunch to test vase life. All flowers pictured here were planted last fall in early October. Direct seeded Bachelor Buttons, Phacelia, Orlaya, Agrostemma, Bupleurum and transplanted Dianthus and Campanula. It’s always a gamble and a hope that these flowers will make it through the winter. My best resource is Lisa Mason Ziegler’s book, Cool Flowers.

Cool Season Annuals

This month, find our flowers via our online shop. Order and pay online for a Petal Pick Up and while they last, a Peony Bunch. Make sure to contact me to reserve your Bucket of Blooms for your event, I take a limited amount per weekend. Next month, the Overlea Farmer’s Market will be back on June 10th.

I hope you enjoy the best of the season, the flowers are simply stunning! Thank you for following and choosing locally grown flowers. I’m happy to LOVE, PLANT, GROW with you. 🙂

Archie is happy to finally be back on the hill watching me work! I’m thrilled to be outside too.

Archie Watching Me Work