August brings the butterflies back in full flight! They are wonderful pollinators and love the flowers.

Pollinator gardens are a great way to bring butterflies to your space! The University of Maryland Home and Garden Information Center website has a few tips.

Good bugs, like the Wheel Bug, a type of Assassin Bug are friends too! They eat bad bugs like aphids and are helpful keeping pests from damaging the growth and blooms.

Spiders are also flower friends. They eat beetles and mosquitoes and the webs are works of art!

Here on the hill, there lots of little friends creating a sustainable environment that keep the flowers blooming, soil healthy and water conserved all without any chemicals, not one.
We also have friends off the farm. This month I wrapped up my volunteer internship at Two Boots Farm via Future Harvest Beginner Farmer Training Program. Elisa Lane, the owner of Two Boots, has been a great source of insight and support and I’m grateful for the experience. Check them out!

Back on Celadon Hill, sunflowers, zinnias, celosias and amaranths are loving the hot days of August. And here come the DAHLIAS!!

This month find our flowers at Independent Brewery 4 pm-7 pm on Tuesday August 25th and at Overlea Farmer’s Market 8:30 am-12:30 pm on Saturday August 22nd.

And always find our mixed bouquets at Rousedale Farm Market on Fridays and Saturdays 10am-6pm. Or pre-order online via the Rousedale Farm Online Market.

And I’m very grateful we got a few days at the beach. Taking time to recharge and reboot is extremely helpful during the hot, hazy days of summer.

Hope you are staying cool this summer and taking time to rest and soak it all in. The days are starting to get a little shorter and there is a hint of coolness in the evening air. I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes…
“Breathe it all in, love it all out.”
Mary Oliver

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