Brief Relief
August brought a brief relief to the heat and drought of July. Over the course of a 10 days, the flower field went from brown and dry and green and…
Baldwin, Maryland
August brought a brief relief to the heat and drought of July. Over the course of a 10 days, the flower field went from brown and dry and green and…
June is the month for flowers. Everything planted in the fall and early spring is starting to bloom. Snapdragons and Rudbeckia. Scabiosa was transplanted last fall. The cool weather helps…
April began with the Eclipse in Cleveland. My official second “Totality” was amazing. My brother and sister-in-law live in Cleveland and welcomed us with a party and day of activities…
Crested celosia frosted.
It’s been hot, hazy and humid this month and some flowers thrive in these conditions! Dahlias are native to the mountains of Mexico and the blooms start to get going…
Fall colors are busting out in dahlias, marigolds, zinnias and celosia! One of my new favorites is Purple Majesty Millet. It’s soft, dark and long lasting, adding a seasonal and…
August brings the butterflies back in full flight! They are wonderful pollinators and love the flowers. Pollinator gardens are a great way to bring butterflies to your space! The University…
When family and friends visit, they often remark when seeing the flower beds, “I thought it would be bigger!” My response is always the same, you can get a ton…
In the cut flower world, there’s something called the “June gap”. It refers to the end of spring flowers and when summer flowers are not quite available. This year, with…
It’s been a slow start this spring. After an initial warm up it got chilly and then we had a very, late spring FREEZE! By double covering newly planted seedlings…